Manage Self-bonded Stake

An ADS staking pool is eligible to receive delegated stake and produce PoS blocks only if the pool is in active state. The pool is set to the broken state if any of the following invariant is violated:

  • If the pool's self-bond requirement in the Pool Registry is violated, which is no less than 1000 AION.
  • If the pool's self-bond percentage in the Pool Registry is violated, which is no less than 1% of total delegated stake to the pool.

Self-bonded stake can be managed by the pool operator's management account.


Self-bonded Stake and Staking Rewards

Pool operators can earn staking rewards for their self-bonded stake just like any other delegators in the pool. Therefore, the pool operator's self-bonded stake must be delegated through the Pool Registry Contract for maximum benefits.

Increase Self-bonded Stake

The pool operator can send a stake to their own pool to satisfy the self-bond requirements to keep the pool active. Or the pool operator can withdraw the bonded stake to tear down the pool.

The pool's self-bond percentage is 1%, which means the pool operator has to delegate (self-bond) no less than 1% stake of the total delegated stake to the pool. For example, if a pool operator has bonded 10,000 AION to the pool, then the pool can receive up to 1,000,000 AION delegated stake.

Use the

If you are familiar with using the terminal, you can simply use the script to delegate to your pool(self-bond).

Download the Script

Open a terminal and navigate to the desired directory where you want to save the scripts, then run the following commands to get the scripts:

tar xvf staking_pool_scripts-1.0.tar.gz 
cd staking_pool_scripts-1.0/


We will use to delegate a stake to a pool.


./ node_address(ip:port) delegator_private_key pool_identity_address amount  network_name(amity/mainnet)


  • node_address: node address in ip:port format. For example:
  • delegator_private_key: private key of the delegator's account. For pool operator to self-bond, this should be the private key of the pool's management key. Input either the full 64-bytes private key or the first 32-bytes of the private key with 0x.
  • pool_identity_address: Identity address of the pool that is delegating to. For pool operator this is also the public key of the management key. Input with 0x.
  • amount: Amount of Aion to be delegated in nAmp, where 1 Aion = 1 10^18 nAmp. For example, if desired delegation amount is 2000 Aion, input 2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000* for amount.
  • network_name : amity testnet or mainnet.


The following example is to send a delegation request to a local unity node for Mainnet. The private key of the pool operator's management key(delegator) is 0x************************************************************ (input full 64-bytes works as well), and the pool delegated to is 0xa048630fff033d214b36879e62231cc77d81f45d348f6590d268b9b8cabb88a98. The amount that is delegated is 333 AION.

./ localhost:8545 0x************************************************************ 0xa048630fff033d214b36879e62231cc77d81f45d348f6590d268b9b8cabb88a9 333000000000000000000 mainnet


The script sends a transaction to the Pool Registry to delegate to the pool. If all the inputs are formatted correctly, a transaction hash will be provided, you can then go to OAN Dashboard to track your transaction. You have to wait for a while for your transaction to be mined and you will see the updated stake amount in the pool. Delegation completed indicated the transaction is successful.



Sufficient Balance

Make sure your management account has sufficient balance for both delegation (amount of stake to be delegated) and paying for the gas fee of contract transaction.

A pool operator can withdraw the self-bonded stake (undelegate) by violating the self-bond requirement to tear down the pool.


Thawing Lockout Period

For a period, measured in the number of blocks since the un-delegation action, the coin will be in the thawing lockout state, where it will be held in the staking contract and will neither contribute to stake securing the system nor will it be liquid until the unbonding period has elapsed. The lockout time is set to be 8640 blocks, which is approximately 1 day under normal network conditions.


You can simply use the script to undelegate your stake from your pool(reduce self-bonded stake).

Download the Script

Open a terminal and navigate into a desired directory where you want to save the scripts, then run the following commands to get the scripts:

tar xvf staking_pool_scripts-1.0.tar.gz 
cd staking_pool_scripts-1.0/


We will use to undelegate stake to a pool.


./ node_address(ip:port) delegator_private_key pool_identity_address amount fee  network_name(amity/mainnet)


  • node_address: node address in ip:port format. For example:
  • delegator_private_key: private key of the delegator's account. For pool operator to withdraw self-bonded stake, this should be the private key of the pool's management key. Input either the full 64-bytes private key or the first 32-bytes of the private key with 0x.
  • pool_identity_address: Identity address of the pool that is delegating to. For the pool operator, this is also the public key of the management key. Input with 0x.
  • amount: Amount of Aion to be delegated in nAmp, where 1 Aion = 1 10^18 nAmp. For example, if desired delegation amount is 2000 Aion, input 2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000* for amount.
  • fee: The amount of the stake will be transferred to the account that invokes the finalizeUndelegate action as a bounty(to cover the gas fee) in nAmp. The fee should be less than the amount to be undelegated.
  • network_name : amity testnet or mainnet.


Undelegation Fee

As for now, the pool operator can put 0 for the fee since the foundation will be finalising the un-delegation for the users.


The following example is to send an undelegation request to a local unity node for Mainnet. The private key of the pool operator's management key(delegator) is 0x** (input full 64-bytes works as well), and the pool delegated to is 0xa048630fff033d214b36879e62231cc77d81f45d348f6590d268b9b8cabb88a9. The amount that is undelegated is 20 Aion and 0 Aion* is paid for finalizing the undelegation.

./ localhost:8545 0x********************************************************** 0xa048630fff033d214b36879e62231cc77d81f45d348f6590d268b9b8cabb88a9 2000000000000000000000 0 mainnet


The script sends a transaction to the Pool Registry to undelegate to the pool. If all the inputs are formated correctly, a transaction hash will be provided, you can then go to OAN Dashboard to track your transaction. You have to wait for a while for your transaction to be mined and you will see the updated stake amount in the pool. You will get a pending undelegate id if the transaction is successful.

Finalise an Undelegation

Any anonymous user of the system can finalize an undelegation and get the bounty fee that the delegator set up requesting an undelegation.


Thawing Lockout Period

One will only be able to finalise an undelegation that has passed the thawing lockout period.


If you are familiar with using the terminal, you can simply use the script to finalise an un-delegation.

Download the Script

Open a terminal and navigate into a desired directory where you want to save the scripts, then run the following commands to get the scripts:

 tar xvf staking_pool_scripts-1.0.tar.gz 
cd staking_pool_scripts-1.0/

  1. We will use to finalize an un-delegation.


./ node_address caller_private_key undelegate_Id  network_name(amity/mainnet)


  • node_address: node address in ip:port format. For example:
  • caller_private_key: private key of the caller's account.Input either the full 64-bytes private key or the first 32-bytes of the private key with 0x.
  • undelegate_id: the id for the pending undelegation.
  • network_name : amity testnet or mainnet.


The following example is to send a finalizeUndelegate request to a local unity node for Mainnet. The private key of the caller is 0x**** (input full 64-bytes works as well), and the id of the undelegation to be finalised is 2*.

./ localhost:8545 0x************************************* 2  mainnet


The script sends a transaction to the Pool Registry to finalize an un-delegation. If all the inputs are formatted correctly, a transaction hash will be provided, you can then go to OAN Dashboard to track your transaction. You have to wait for a while for your transaction to be mined. Transaction completed indicated the transaction is successful.


Sufficient Balance

Make sure you have sufficient balance to pay for the gas fee (NRG) for contract transactions.