Delegator Actions

Pool operator is also a delegator in the network, therefore, they can also transfer delegated stake among the pools and withdraw the rewards.


Finalising Requests

For now, the foundation will be performing all finalizing actions after lockout period has elapsed. However, any user can finalize any request if they want to.

Transfer Delegation

Due to security constraints of the AVM computation metering system, two disparate transactions: an initiating transaction(transfer delegation) and a finalizing transaction(finalize transfer) have to be implemented.

A delegator can transfer the delegated stake from a pool to another.

* Transfers delegation from one pool to another pool.
* @param fromPool the from pool address
* @param toPool   the to pool address
* @param amount   the amount of stake to transfer
* @param fee the amount of stake that will be transferred to the account that invokes finalizeTransfer
* @return the pending transfer id
long transferDelegation(Address fromPool, Address toPool, BigInteger amount, BigInteger fee) 


Transfer Pending Period

When this action occurs, the stake will be locked for a transfer-pending period to not violate security invariant of the Unity consensus. The lockout time is set to be 60 blocks, which is approximately 6 minutes under normal network conditions.

And anyone in the network can invoke finalizeTransfer to get the bounty that delegator set.

 * Finalizes a transfer operation.
 * @param id pending transfer id
void finalizeTransfer(long id)


If you are familiar with using the terminal, you can simply use the script to transfer your stake from a pool to another.

Download the Script

Open a terminal and navigate into a desired directory where you want to save the scripts, then run the following commands to get the scripts:

 tar xvf staking_pool_scripts-1.0.tar.gz 
cd staking_pool_scripts-1.0/


We will use to transfer the stake.


./ node_address(ip:port) delegator_private_key from_pool_identity_address to_pool_identity_address amount fee  network_name(amity/mainnet)


  • node_address: node address in ip:port format. For example:
  • delegator_private_key: private key of the delegator's account. Input either the full 64-bytes private key or the first 32-bytes of the private key with 0x.
  • from_pool_identity_address: Identity address of the pool that is transferring the stake from. Input with 0x.
  • to_pool_identity_address: Identity address of the pool that is transferring the stake to. Input with 0x.
  • amount: Amount of Aion to be delegated in nAmp, where 1 Aion = 1 10^18 nAmp. For example, if desired delegation amount is 2000 AION, input 2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000* for amount.
  • fee: The amount of the stake will be transferred to the account that invokes the finalizeTransfer action as a bounty(to cover the gas fee) in nAmp. The fee should be less than the amount to be transferred.
  • network_name : amity testnet or mainnet.


The following example is to send a transferDelegation request to a local unity node for Mainnet. The private key of the pool operator's management key(delegator) is 0x** (input full 64-bytes works as well), and we are transferring 200 Aion from 0xa051aa0dabe2ef29acd7138e069759743ee65b98c8f65cc6d0b005de988c46e0 to 0xa0d1534d71baed7762b4ee6f684cf31046cc50d1618eb637c94b749c64011a0b. 0* fees will be paid for the account that finalizes the transfer.

./ localhost:8545 0x************************************************ 0xa051aa0dabe2ef29acd7138e069759743ee65b98c8f65cc6d0b005de988c46e0 0xa0d1534d71baed7762b4ee6f684cf31046cc50d1618eb637c94b749c64011a0b 200000000000000000000 0 mainnet


The script sends a transaction to the Pool Registry to transfer the stake from a pool to another. If all the inputs are formatted correctly, a transaction hash will be provided, you can then go to OAN Dashboard to track your transaction. You have to wait for a while for your transaction to be mined and you will see your updated stake amount in the pool you are transferring from.


Sufficient Balance

Make sure your account has sufficient balance for paying the gas fee of contract transaction.

The finalisation action has to be taken for a transfer and it has to be performed after transfer pending period(60 blocks):


If you are familiar with using the terminal, you can simply use the script finalise a transfer.

Download the Script

Open a terminal and navigate into a desired directory where you want to save the scripts, then run the following commands to get the scripts:

 tar xvf staking_pool_scripts-1.0.tar.gz 
cd staking_pool_scripts-1.0/


We will use to finalise a transfer.


./ node_address caller_private_key transfer_Id  network_name


  • node_address: node address in ip:port format. For example:
  • caller_private_key: private key of the caller's account.Input either the full 64-bytes private key or the first 32-bytes of the private key with 0x.
  • undelegate_id: the id for the pending transfer.
  • network_name : amity testnet or mainnet.


The following example is to send a finalizeTransfer request to a local unity node for Mainnet. The private key of the caller is *0x*** (input full 64-bytes works as well), and the id of the transfer to be finalized is 1.

./ localhost:8545 0x*********************************** 1 mainnet


The script sends a transaction to the Pool Registry to finalize a transfer. If all the inputs are formated correctly, a transaction hash will be provided, you can then go to OAN Dashboard to track your transaction. You have to wait for a while for your transaction to be mined. Transaction completed indicated the transaction is successful.

Note: Make sure the transfer you are trying to finalize has passed the lockout period. Your account needs sufficient balance for paying for the gas fee of contract transaction.

Withdraw Rewards

The delegator can withdraw accumulated rewards to their address. As soon as the withdraw transfer is committed on-chain, the delegator should be able to see the liquid balance in their account.

* Withdraws block rewards from one pool.
* @param pool the pool address
BigInteger withdraw(Address pool)


If you are familiar with using the terminal, you can simply use the script to withdraw your rewards from a pool.

Download the Script

Open a terminal and navigate into the desired directory where you want to save the scripts, then run the following commands to get the scripts:

 tar xvf staking_pool_scripts-1.0.tar.gz 
cd staking_pool_scripts-1.0/


We will use to withdraw the reward.


    ./ node_address delegator_private_key pool_identity_address  network_name(amity/mainnet)


  • node_address: node address in ip:port format. For example:
  • delegator_private_key: private key of the delegator's account. Input either the full 64-bytes private key or the first 32-bytes of the private key with 0x.
  • pool_identity_address: identity address of the pool.
  • network_name : amity testnet or mainnet.


The following example is to send a withdraw request to a local unity node for Mainnet. The private key of the delegator is 0x** (input full 64-bytes works as well), and we are withdrawing the rewards from 0xa048630fff033d214b36879e62231cc77d81f45d348f6590d268b9b8cabb88a9*.

./ localhost:8545 0x********************************************* 0xa048630fff033d214b36879e62231cc77d81f45d348f6590d268b9b8cabb88a9 mainnet


The script sends a transaction to the Pool Registry to withdraw the reward. If all the inputs are formated correctly, a transaction hash will be provided, you can then go to OAN Dashboard to track your transaction. You have to wait for a while for your transaction to be mined. Withdraw completed indicated the transaction is successful.


Sufficient Balance

Make sure you have sufficient balance for paying for the gas fee of contract transaction.