CPU Miner


You will need:


  1. Download the the pre-built CPU miner binary aionminer_CPU.tar.bz2 from the aion_miner release page
  2. Extract the folder to your desired location
  3. Open terminal and run aionminer with the desired parameter values:
-hhelpPrint this help message and quits
-llocationStratum server:port
-uusernameUsername (aion address)
-aportLocal API port (default: 0 = do not bind)
-dlevelDebug print level (0 : print all, 5 : fatal only, default: 2)
-bbenchmark[=arg(=200)] Run in benchmark mode (default: 200 iterations)
-tthreadsNumber of CPU threads -e [ext] Force CPU ext (0 = SSE2, 1 = AVX, 2 = AVX2)


CPU Threads

We recommend that you allocate between 25% - 75% of your system's total number of CPUs.

Please refer to the above CPU Miner Parameters. The following example will run the AION CPU miner with 4 threads connecting to a mining pool running locally, listening on port 3333 for incoming connections:

./aionminer -t 4 -l -u {0xacc}

Running a Benchmark on your CPU

The default benchmark will assess the performance of your CPU configuration by running 200 blocks.

This example will run a benchmark on your CPU using a single thread:

./aionminer -b -t 1